7 Proofs Your Salvation Is Eternally Secure

When you first believed in Jesus, you were saved. But after a while, perhaps because you sinned or failed God in some way, maybe you began to question whether it’s possible to lose your salvation.
A genuine believer in the Lord Jesus shouldn’t be tormented by this question. The Bible tells us that once we believe in Jesus Christ, we can never lose our salvation.
In this post we’ll look at some verses that show seven proofs of our salvation being irreversible and eternally secure.
1. Our salvation was initiated by God
Ephesians 1:4 says:
“Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love.”
God chose us before we were born, even before the universe was created. Then, when the time was right for us to be saved, He called us. Do you think that God would choose us so long ago, send His Son to die for us, wait for us to be born, and then call and save us, only to abandon us after we’re finally saved? No, He would not. God is the One who initiated our salvation before the foundation of the world and carried it out.
2. God’s love for us is eternal
Jeremiah 31:3 says:
“I have loved you with an eternal love.”
This verse says God loves us with a love that’s eternal. That means His love is unchanging. Human love can be fickle, but God’s love never changes; it doesn’t depend on what we do. God loves us eternally.
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3. God is righteous in saving us
Psalm 89:14 says:
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.”
God’s throne is immovable and unshakable because the foundation of His throne is His righteousness.
God’s love motivated Him to save us from eternal judgment. But God’s righteousness is the base of His salvation.
Many fear God’s righteousness and associate it with His wrath. His righteousness is indeed a fearful thing. Because God is righteous, He cannot tolerate or overlook sin; He’s bound to judge all unrighteousness. But God’s righteousness is also the base of our salvation, which is truly wonderful.
Let’s see how this is so. Romans 6:23 says:
“The wages of sin is death.”
This means that all who sin must die. The righteous God has no other choice but to judge sinners and assign them their wages: eternal death.
But the Lord Jesus came and bore the judgment of death for sinners on the cross. God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice as the full payment for our sins. Just as in a court of law, a judge can’t require a debt to be paid twice, God is bound by His righteousness to honor the price Christ paid for us.
So if God wants His throne to stand, He must act in accordance with His righteousness. Since Jesus paid the penalty for our sins by dying in our place, God’s righteousness won’t allow Him to demand further payment from us.
This means our salvation is secured by God’s righteousness; He can’t take it away from us. Praise Him for His righteousness!
4. We have become God’s children
John 1:12-13 says:
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of God, to those who believe into His name, who were begotten…of God.”
When we accepted Jesus as our Savior, we were saved from eternal perdition. But that’s not all. These verses tell us we were also begotten of God to be His children. This is something that can’t be undone.
We all know that children misbehave from time to time. But no matter how much they may misbehave, their bad behavior can never negate the fact that they were born of their parents. Even when children are disciplined, that discipline doesn’t undo their relationship with their parents.
In the same way, our sins and failures can’t negate the fact that we’re born of God and are children of God. We may sometimes require God’s discipline, but we’ll always be God’s children, born of His divine life.
5. God keeps us in His hand
John 10:28-29 says:
“And I give to them eternal life, and they shall by no means perish forever, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My Father…is greater than all, and no one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand.”
All kinds of things may try to snatch us from the Father’s hand—sin, the world, difficulties, even Satan himself. But in these verses, the Lord Jesus assures us by saying that it’s impossible for us to be snatched away. No one and nothing is stronger than God.
6. God never changes
Hebrews 13:8 says:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes, even forever.”
Everything changes: people, circumstances, environments, the weather. Even our own emotions fluctuate constantly; we can be up one minute and down the next. But our salvation doesn’t hinge on our feelings. God never changes and neither does His salvation.
7. Christ has promised not to cast us out
John 6:37 says:
“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and him who comes to Me I shall by no means cast out.”
What a precious, unconditional promise from our Savior! He will never cast out or reject those who have come to Him. We can fully trust in Him and His Word to know our salvation is eternally secure.
So we shouldn’t live our Christian life in constant fear and doubt. Our salvation is eternally secure, and we can and should trust in the Word of God, which assures us of this fact.
We encourage you to learn more about this important topic by reading Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vols. 1-3, a free book set that has helped thousands of believers. You can download all three volumes from anywhere in the world here.
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