How Knowing My Human Spirit Affected My Christian Life

We hope you enjoy this BfA staff member’s testimony about discovering her human spirit and how it affected her.
The blog post “A Life-Changing Discovery: My Spirit” really touched me because what it talked about is exactly what I have experienced. Since I began to see in the Bible that I have a human spirit, and then to actually experience the Lord who lives there, my life has never been the same.
I had always felt deep within that something was missing in my Christian life. When you believe in the Lord and get saved, then what? What did God want? What was being a Christian all about in my daily life? For a period of time I thought that maybe the Lord wanted me to help people. For instance, I thought of becoming some kind of doctor, or joining the Peace Corps. And then other times, I thought He wanted me to pursue and fulfill my dreams.
There is a very specific moment in my life after graduating from high school that I’ll never forget. As I laid in bed with my two younger sisters, tears streamed down my face as I silently cried, trying to not wake them up. I was so desperate for something real. So I cried out to the Lord, “Lord, You have to be real to me! I can’t go on if You aren’t real to me!”
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The Lord really answered that prayer when I went to college. I met a group of believers there who showed me in the Bible that God had a purpose, and that in order to fulfill this purpose, He created man with a human spirit to contain and contact Him. Even growing up as a Christian, I had never seen or heard about this crucial truth. I was helped to see that when I believed into the Lord, He came to dwell in my spirit!
I was also helped to see that God wants people to experience Him in their spirit. He isn’t this impersonal, faraway God that I had to try to please by doing good, or by doing something for Him yet apart from Him. No, the God of the universe was Someone I could turn to, fellowship with, and live by in my spirit. God became so real to me!
For so long there had been an emptiness within me that I could never explain or fill. But when I touched the Lord in my spirit, that emptiness was gone. There was a sense of, “This is it! This is why I was created!” Man was created to receive the Lord Jesus and enjoy Him as the Spirit in our spirit.
I am so thankful to the Lord that this crucial truth has been revealed to me and that I’ve been able to experience the Lord Jesus in my spirit. My prayer is that so many others would be able to discover their human spirit and that the Lord would become as real to them as He has become to me.
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